About Me

I am a K-6 school counselor. I truly love my job and try to use my time wisely to teach important life lessons! I started this blog to share the ideas that I have obtained from others and have created to continue inspiring and keeping our students interested.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Character Trait: Kindness...Bucket Fillers

This is probably my favorite lesson to teacher.  I love bucket fillers because the concept explains how to be kind in a concrete way.  Every student loves the bucket filler lesson.  Even when I think that the 5th or 6th will be bored with it, or "I've heard it before" I always get at least 5-6 yesss!!'s or smiles when doing it.  I have attached my lessons for all grades with the ASCA standards.  I am also attaching the worksheets I used with the different grades.

In each classroom, I brought a bucket with different colored beads.  I told the students these were their power beads, which gave them the power to fill someone's bucket.  We went around the classroom and allowed each student to fill someone's bucket.  It's a great self esteem booster and who doesn't love to be called out in a positive way?!

This is the worksheet I used with the k-2 students
This is the worksheet for 3-4
This is the worksheet for 5-6

And here are the lesson plans with ASCA standards!


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